Monday, February 08, 2010


O trombonista de jazz e bandleader Buddy Morrow, também conhecido como Moe Zudekoff, nasceu no 8 de fevereiro de 1919, em New Haven, Connecticut. Ficou famoso pelo seu poder de alcance nas notas altas, evidenciado nos discos como "The Golden Trombone" e na execução de baladas.

Buddy estudou na famosa Juilliard School of Music, e integrou a orquestra do Tonight Show de Johnny Carson. Seus discos no inicio da década de 50 como "Rose, Rose, I Love You" e "Night Train" constaram da lista da Billboard nacional.

Em 1959/60 a Orquestra de Morrow gravou os albuns "Impact e "Double Impact", respectivamente,com as canções das séries de televisão.

Em 2009, recebeu o prêmio 'International Trombone Association's Lifetime Achievement", concedido à pessoas que fizeram a diferença com a arte de tocar o trombone mundo afora.

Buddy Morrow "We'll Get It"

Trombonist and bandleader Buddy Morrow, aka Moe Zudekoff, was born on February 8,1919 in New Haven, Connecticut. He is known for his mastery of the upper range which is evident in records such as "The Golden Trombone," as well as his ballad playing. He also is an alumnus of the Juilliard School of Music.
Morrow was once a member of the Tonight Show orchestra. His early 1950s records such as "Rose, Rose, I Love You" and "Night Train" rode the Billboard's national charts. In 1959 and 1960 Morrow's Orchestra released two albums of American television theme songs Impact and Double Impact respectively.
In 2009, Morrow was awarded the "International Trombone Association's Lifetime Achievement Award", an award that is given to a person who has significantly changed trombone playing around the world.

Reference - Wikipédia
Tradução de Humberto Amorim

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