Saturday, November 21, 2009


O pianista, cantor e ator Dr. John, nasceu no 21 de Novembro de 1940 em Nova Orleans, Louisiana, e foi batizado com o nome de Malcholm Rebbenack. Aos 13 anos tornou-se músico com todo apoio dos familiares, que de certa forma, tinham na veia, muito talento musical.

"Mac" abandonou os estudos no penúltimo ano do ensino médio, quando tinha 16 anos, para se tornar pianista de blues. Adotou o apelido de Dr.John the Night Tripper"(ou Dr. John, simplesmente) destacando-se como fiel representante do "Novo Som de Nova Orleans" no estilo blues/jazz.

Originalmente tocava guitarra, mas perdeu um dedo da mão ao defender o amigo Tonnie Barron e foi forçado a migrar para o piano/teclados.

recebeu dois premios Grammy, foi induzido no Louisiana Blues Hall of Fame

Dr. John was born on November 21, 1940, in New Orleans, Louisiana, as Malcolm Rebbenack. At 13 he decided to become a musician, and was supported by his family, who themselves were musicians in a small way. "Mac" dropped out of school in the 11th grade in 1956, at the age of 16, to become a blues piano player. He has become known as "Dr. John, The Night Tripper" (or "Dr. John", for short) and a prime example of the "New Orleans Sound" style of blues/jazz. He has received two Grammy Awards, and is in the Louisiana Blues Hall of Fame and into the Louisiana Music Hall of fame, as well, in 2007.

He was originally a guitar player, but after getting his index finger nearly shot off in an effort to protect band mate and friend Ronnie Barron, he switched to piano/keyboards.

Dr.John canta com Etta James "I'd rather go blind"

Reference - Jazz Music & Blues

Tradução - Humberto Amorim

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